The logo of the conference comes from a realization of Zsuzsi
Csiszer, artist in Budapest. The photographies of this realization were collected during the production of 144 European artists' narratives on their mobility and their impact in terms of learning, as part of the research program "Artists moving and learning", conducted by Pacte Lab (Amilhat Szary Anne-Laure, Louargant Sophie, Kirsten Koop, Guy Saez) for the DG Education and Culture, European Union.
- copyright : Zsuzsi Csiszer internet site : http://www.csiszerzsuzsi.hu/ - copyright : conception flyer, visuels : Mathieu Esterni , http://www.i-tem.fr : File - copyright / Région Rhône-Alpes/Gil
Lebois – IUT 2 Grenoble - Fotolia/ S. Louargant |